

Inspiring Music Education Through Collaboration
At New Morning School, we ignite a passion for music in every child, teaching basic skills and fostering enjoyment. Partnering with Schoolcraft College, we offer hands-on learning for future vocal instructors. Our K-4 students enjoy weekly vocal lessons with Dr. Fred Moss, blending music, movement, and fun while engaging college students in practical enjoyment.

Inspiring Music Education Through Collaboration
At New Morning School, we ignite a passion for music in every child, teaching basic skills and fostering enjoyment. Partnering with Schoolcraft College, we offer hands-on learning for future vocal instructors. Our K-4 students enjoy weekly vocal lessons with Dr. Fred Moss, blending music, movement, and fun while engaging college students in practical enjoyment.
All grades (preschool through 8th grade) contribute elements of music to our holiday and end of year performances. Each classroom learns songs to perform, usually with movements and some element of costume or props. Individual students may also choose to perform, for example through choreographed dance or instrumental performance.
In Preschool, music is not taught as a discrete subject, but children are exposed to music as part of their learning with Ms. Marisa through activities that involve song, movement and using simple instruments. Songs are used to communicate, such as starting each morning with a welcome song or celebrating a friend's birthday during circle time. Songs are also used for rote learning, such as the alphabet song, or days of the week in Spanish. Music is incorporated into project based learning as well. Our students always enjoy learning a song about a particular animal, or listening to music from a country, culture or holiday being studied.
Music is incorporated in the Primary classroom in similar ways where songs are used to teach days of the week and months of the year during Daily Calendar, and birthdays are still a big celebration. Brain Breaks often comprise movement to music, eg. Danny Go or Go Noodle. Children in Primary have access to basic classroom instruments that they may explore independently during choice time. In addition, Primary students have Music as a discrete class. The curriculum is an introduction to music, taught through lots of movement and games. There is exposure to basic concepts such as beat, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, pitch and notation. Children are given opportunities to listen to and appreciate different styles and genres of music, and are exposed to the sounds of different orchestral instruments. They are also be encouraged to make and perform music, using body percussion and their own voices, as well as using classroom instruments.
Partnering with Schoolcraft College, we offer hands on learning for future vocal instructors. Our Grades 2-4 students enjoy weekly vocal lessons from Dr. Fred Moss and his Schoolcraft students, blending music, movement and fun while engaging college students in practical experience. Through this program, our students learn songs, compose some songs together, and experiment with different instruments. Dr. Fred's students plan and prepare lessons to teach various musical concepts to our students and present them in styles of their own choosing, but always involving activities such as movement, listening to and interpreting a piece of music of a certain genre, identifying beats and rhythms, and attempting basic notation.
5th Graders learn to play recorders through a program called Recorder Karate which enables the children to work at their own pace, testing out and earning a karate belt when they're ready which fits with the New Morning School idea of individualized learning and meeting kids where they're at. Students learn the correct technique to play recorder, and are given opportunities to develop their musicality through playing solo and in ensemble. They also learn music theory such as reading notation, concepts of rhythm and beat, symbols and terms used alongside the staff.
Music is offered to Middle School students through our elective program. Classes change year to year based on student interest and the availability of experts in our community.
Primary Program Highlights

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